Three Projects Recognized with Five Illumination Awards

Two projects, Boulder Brands (designed by Surround Architecture), and the Clear Creek Metropolitan Recreation District (designed by Essenza Architecture) were awarded The Energy and Environmental Lighting Design Award sponsored by Osram Sylvania. This award recognizes quality lighting installations in commercial and industrial buildings that incorporate advanced energy-saving strategies and environmentally responsible solutions into the overall design.

The above two projects—in addition to the Harris Street Rehabilitation of the Breckenridge Town Hall (designed by Anderson Hallas)—were also recognized with The Edwin F. Guth Memorial Award for Interior Lighting Design. This award recognizes exceptional interior lighting projects that balance the functional illumination of space with the artistic application of light to enhance the occupant's experience.

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), which was founded in 1906, is known as “The Premier Lighting Community.” It encourages professionals from around the world to improve the lighted environment, and to translate the community's collective knowledge into actions that benefit the public. The organization's Illumination Awards publicly recognize projects that show professionalism, ingenuity and originality in lighting design. Judged by a panel of peers, each project is scored in categories including energy efficiency, architectural integration, lighting concept and results. Exceptional projects are recognized with Awards of Merit, some in multiple award categories. 


Boulder Brands

Boulder Brands

Clear Creek Metropolitan Recreation District

Clear Creek Metropolitan Recreation District

Breckenridge Town Hall Rehabilitation

Breckenridge Town Hall Rehabilitation