LightFair ‘21 Recap


This year, AE Design sent a team to LightFair 2021 at the Javits Center in New York City. Addie Smith, Christina Kelch, Andi Walter, and Ryon Sommerer not only got to see and experience some of the newest and most innovative lighting technology of the year at the tradeshow, but they were also able to attend some exciting educational sessions and networking events. Addie Smith also gave a presentation over Lighting and Budgets and had a great turnout of enthusiastic attendees.

From attending the keynote speaker to hearing about unique design strategies other firms implemented into their designs, the AE Design team took away several valuable lessons to share with the rest of the company:

Lighting Controls. Lighting controls are not only implemented to meet code and provide an energy-efficient design, but as designers, it is important to ensure the lighting control system is intuitive and easy to understand for the client. Designing for the client, including factors like age, race, height, country of origin, familiarity, and knowledge base, is essential for intuitive lighting controls for the space. Additionally, because symbols have different meanings, labels were seen to be the most desired based on studies done and are preferred when scenes and zones are a part of the design.

Light and Justice. It is essential for designers to realize how both just and unjust lighting can influence different communities. Typically, in marginalized communities, the lighting is intentionally designed uncomfortably to discourage use and crime after dark. Unjust light can consist of unshielded, glary fixtures that focus on lighting roadways for cars rather than sidewalks for pedestrian use. The problem with this is that it can lead to poor contrast ratios creating visual isolation. The glare and flooding of light can even promote dire health problems. As designers, it is crucial to understand the impacts of lighting on the community to create a more socially equitable design.

In addition to the tradeshow and sessions at LightFair, the team was invited to attend a manufacturer happy hour and showroom tour followed by a trip to the new observation deck in NYC, “The Edge”. The team had a great time exploring the city while learning and connecting with fellow industry members.

The above LightFair update was written by Ryon Sommerer, Addie Smith, Christina Kelch, and Andi Walter.

Learn more about our team here >

AE Design